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New Collections - 2024-07-02 - features

New Features

We are excited to announce the latest updates to our software. These updates bring new features and improvements that enhance the user experience and make our software even more powerful.

Similarity Tags

One of the key updates is the introduction of a new system for ordering our images based on similarity tags. This feature allows users to easily find related images by categorizing them with similar attributes. This improves the browsing experience and helps users discover relevant content more efficiently. title

Improved Semantic Search

Another important update is the addition of an improved semantic search. With this feature, users can perform more accurate and context-aware searches. Our enhanced algorithm understands the meaning behind search queries, delivering results that are more aligned with user intentions, making it easier to find exactly what you're looking for.

Bug Fixes

We have also addressed several bugs reported by our users. These bug fixes enhance the stability and reliability of our software, ensuring a seamless experience for our users.


These updates represent our commitment to continuously improving our software and providing the best possible experience for our users. We hope you enjoy the new features and enhancements.